About us

The aim of the Netherlands-Japan Association is to promote the understanding of all aspects of Japanese culture and society in The Netherlands.

The Association was established on March 31st, 1958, and currently has about 400 members, most of whom have an active interest in Japan through work, education, travel or leisure activities. Members also include Japanese living in The Netherlands.

The Association (co) organises a number of activities annually, such as lunch and dinner meetings, lectures, visits to exhibitions, festivals and concerts. The activities cover a wide range of Japan-related topics, from traditional culture and history to modern art, manga culture, economy, business and technology.

If you wish to keep abreast of Japan-related activities in the Netherlands, meet people with similar interests and exchange knowledge and ideas with some of the country’s foremost Japan experts, join the Netherlands-Japan Association. Annual membership for: € 20 per person, students €10.

For more information about becoming a member, please contact us at secretaris@njv.info

Nederlands-Japanse Vereniging
Noordwal 56
2513EC Den Haag
