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Online lezing Dr Richa Ohri
september 12, 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:00
Wij zijn zeer verheugd dat Dr. Richa Ohri, docent “Chritical Thinking” aan de Universiteit van Chiba, voor de NJV op zondag 12 september een online lezing gaat houden over de positie van vrouwen in Japan. De lezing start om 10:00 uur en duurt een uur. De zoom-link wordt op zaterdag 11 september verstuurd. De lezing is in het Engels.
Een kort CV van Dr. Ohri:
Richa Ohri (Ph.D.) has been teaching Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Pop Culture, Intercultural Communication, Media and Society, and English at Chiba University in Chiba, Japan for over 10 years. Her research has focused on stereotyping, exclusion and othering of non-native Japanese speakers. Her current research (Kaken) focuses on teaching methodology to activate “active knowledge” in an intercultural communication classroom. She is also currently working on a project called New Face of Japan @new_face_of_japan documenting the experiences of “hafu” and “long-term foreign” people residing in Japan and the challenges they face as they try to fit in Japanese society.
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